Sojourners Project: Busing
September 8 - 26, 2021
Denver, CO
An integenerational history of “desegregation” busing in Denver Public Schools
September 8-26, 2021
The parking lot of Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
Co-produced with IDEA Stages through Control Group’s Artist Services Program
Conceived and Directed by Alicia “Lisa” Young
In 1968 Denver Public Schools passed a resolution mandating the integration of schools through “desegregation” busing. What followed was a 26-year effort to create equity by busing students – mostly Black and Brown – from low-income neighborhoods to higher-performing schools, often far across town.
Sojourners Project: Busing is an intergenerational tale of family, community and the political socio-economic landscape changes that affect how they live, learn and love. The Mason family represents the eras of segregation, integration and the new virtual hybrid systems of education. They are the caregivers and owners of Chombo Basi Mashua (vessel-bus-boat in Swahili) a sentient bus who speaks with the memory, music and emotion of the folks who once rode inside its walls and the soundscape of the city they traversed. The key to this story is their love and passing of family history, culture and knowledge.
This outdoor, pop-up immersive event unpacks the history of “desegregation” busing in Denver Public Schools, from Mrs. Rachel B. Noel (the first Black woman elected to public office in Colorado) to the 1970 school bus depot bombing, through nearly three decades of movement of young Black and Brown bodies across our city. Sojourner’s rich immersive experience combines artistry and education, with a focus on personal experiences across three generations, in a story augmented by hyperlinked history, research, and interviews.
Busing is the first live production created by IDEA Stages, and the beginning of Sojourners Project: a series of works exploring the movement of Black and Brown bodies, with or without their consent, nor the agency to tell their own stories. Busing is created by an all Black woman creative team, incorporating an all Black cast, and predominantly Black design and technical teams.
The project emerges from dialogue between Alicia “Lisa” Young (IDEA Stages) and Patrick Mueller (Control Group), and initiates a producing partnership focused on elevating non-White / non-cis-male lead artists through the support of Control Group’s Artist Services programming.
Sojourners Project: Busing is supported by Bonfils-Stanton Foundation; Scientific & Cultural Facilities Districts of Denver, Arapahoe, and Adams counties; Colorado Creative Industries; City of Aurora; KGNU Community Radio; and many individual donors to Control Group and the project.