June 5 - 21, 2020
Denver, CO
Photography by Nicholas Caputo
June 5-21, 2020 | previews June 3 & 4
Denver, CO
Produced by Control Group Productions
It's time to ride!
CAVALCADE! was Control Group’s first response to the Covid-19 pandemic – a contagion-proof in-person/in-car performance experience. The event offered guests a guided 9-mile drive in their own personal vehicles, with performance at multiple sites and sound delivered right to your car stereo.
CAVALCADE! was on track to be Denver’s first live theatrical event after shutdown, with sold-out performances scheduled June 3-21. Instead, on May 30, 2020 the creative team elected to postpone, and a week later to cancel, performances to honor – and stay out of the way of / participate in – the social justice movement awakened by the murder of George Floyd. More about that decision here.
Photography by Nicholas Caputo