Cutting Room Floor
October 17 - 30, 2019
Aurora, CO
Photography by Nicholas Caputo
Cutting Room Floor
Oct. 17-30, 2019
Aurora Fox Arts Center
Created by Control Group Productions
Co-presented by the Aurora Fox Arts Center
An immersive ghost tour of the Aurora Fox, through a world of spectral regrets and paths not taken...
Join Control Group for a journey into the depths of this historic theater, as we unearth resonant histories and unnerving fictions built from the building’s past. In this haunt-inspired immersive performance, the ghosts of the Fox come alive around us… but no jump scares or splatter gore here! These lost souls are consumed by something scarier than any monster: regret, and the remembrance of lost things.
Video by Daniel Sharkey
Cutting Room Floor combines true history, weird fictions, and rich handling of the themes of regret and missed chances in a rich, engaging immersive delirium. Through live dance and theatre, film, and escape-room-esque design, Control Group crafts a world that turns the norms of both theater and haunted houses on their heads. Thrilling but not terrifying, the performers’ interactions invite audiences into the world of the show, where they help the characters untether themselves from the ghosts of their past.
Photography by Nicholas Caputo